Atem supports policies that promote social and environmental development, contributing to raising people’s standard of living, respecting social, cultural characteristics and the environment.

We encourage the participation and awareness of all employees and partners in favor of a more humane, fair and sustainable society.

Support for the Superdonners Project

The blood donation campaign, carried out by the “Super Donors 2022” group in partnership with Atem Distributor, exceeded the target of donating 300 bags of blood. With the participation of 592 people, who supported the cause and donated blood at the Amazonas Hospital Foundation of Hematology and Hemotherapy (Hemoam).

The action aims to raise awareness among the population about the importance of becoming a regular blood donor, regardless of the campaigns carried out during the year. A simple gesture, but one that can save many lives!

“It is very gratifying to see that people responded to our call, came and even brought other people to participate”, highlights speech therapist Silvana Reis, who coordinates the project made up solely of volunteers.

Prevent Program

Prevent Program is a Program of Atem which seeks employee safety and well-being – Created in 2018, the program has already trained more than 400 employees from the distributor’s operational bases.

The objective of the program, as the name suggests, is prevention in Atem’s operational areas. “The program is focused on the behavioral aspect of the employee and consists of strengthening safety routines and tools to ensure workplace safety, improving the efficiency of processes and the quality of facilities, seeking the safety and well-being of all employees. involved in our bases” – Jander Araújo.

Oxygen donation

Appalled by the difficult situation the population was going through, Atem Distributor donated oxygen cylinders to the health network in Manaus.

The donations arrived at a time when Amazonas recorded an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, the health network was overloaded and there was a serious problem of medical oxygen shortages in the state.


“Christmas of Waters”

Atem Distributor took part in Project “Christmas of Waters”, run by Manaus City Hall, by providing one of its rafts and a pusher to make up the Floating Nativity Scene that visited 38 riverside communities. In addition to presenting the floating nativity scene, the project included toys and food supllies in an end-of-year program.

125 anos of the Amazon Opera House

The Amazon Opera House, one of the seven wonders of Brazil, is turning 125 years old. And the celebration of the date gained added weight. Atem Distributor announced its sponsorship of the theater’s anniversary program.

Several actions were carried out, with the aim of enhancing and presenting the beauty of this architectural symbol that is part of the history of Amazonas.

Donation of toys and sponsorship of the children's show Three Little Words

A national children’s show and several actions carried out at children from social institutions received support from Atem Distributor with the donation of toys and sponsorship, in the month in which Children’s Day is celebrated.

The actions took place at the Amazonas Autism Institute (IAAM), at Casa Vhida, in the Constantinópolis Baptist Church complex and in the social area of the Assembly of God Church.


Pink October and Blue November

Atem Distributor promotes a special program aimed at its employees to mark Pink October, a month to raise awareness about early diagnosis and prevention of breast and cervical cancer.

Throughout the month of October, in addition to receiving relevant information about self-care via email, employees will have an event on the 18th, at Dulcila’s Event House, in Ponta Negra, with lectures from experts on forms of prevention, symptoms, diagnosis and mental health, in addition to carrying out tests to measure blood pressure and measure blood glucose levels, among others.

Sponsorshiping Casa Vhida

Atem Distributor supports Casa Vhida with donations of fuel and toys. The institution serves and supports children and teenagers at social risk with HIV by providing social and psychological support.

Among the various routine activities at Casa Vhida, visits are made to patients by the social assistance team and other professionals. Donations from partners like Atem is a way of supporting the institution’s activities, improving the well-being of the groups involved.

Donating toys to children

Atem Distributor donated basic food supplies and toys to “Manaus Solidária Fund”. According to the Fund, 38 communities in the Negro River and Amazonas River basins were visited, totaling around three thousand children in these regions. The food supllies were delivered to families in situations of social vulnerability served by the agency, to residents of rural areas, and to institutions in the capital, such as the Grupo Super Mães de Criança Especiais (Special Children Super Moms Group), in the North zone of Manaus, public schools, etc.


Sertões Rally

The pilot Adão Lemos was the representative of Amazonas in the Rally dos Sertões, the biggest competition in the segment in the Americas. The sponsorship consists of encouraging sport and representing Amazonas in one more Rally, the pilot highlights that the support of brands like Atem, which values and encourages sport, is very important:

“Atem believed in my dream and has been with me in this endeavor since last year. They are part of the results achieved so far”, highlighted Adão Lemos.

Manaus Marathon 2022

The Marathon is an international event that attracts athletes from Brazil and other countries, interested in discovering the natural beauty of the state of Amazonas. The event organization promoted environmental sustainability actions, such as: recycling and reusing plastics used in the event — which generates employment and income for the local population — and donation of native seedlings.

Sponsorship of local sport

Atem Distributor knows the importance of Sport in people’s lives and how much sport is an agent of change, for this reason, ATEM is the official sponsor of Manaus Soccer Team and has carried out a series of actions during the games with the aim of reinforcing our commitment with Amazonian sport.